When we think about blogging, we often think that it's a chore we have to do so we can pass school or it's hard work. You may not even think of yourself to be a good writer at all and dread starting that first paragraph due to fear of being judged or ridiculed for your writing style.
However, when done in a mindset of pleasure, it can actually help contribute to your happiness and overall sense of being. Blogging does not have to be done publicly when you are not confident about it. You can start blogging in private since there are many blogging platforms out there that offer a password protected blog.
So how does blogging make you happy?
Gives you Relaxation
When it comes to blogging, bloggers often look at their surroundings to find an inspiration to write on. Thus, look at the things around you, notice the small details, how people interact with each other, and from there, you could get an inspiration to write whatever you wish for it to be. This could be a great start when you wish to be a blogger inclined on story-writing.

You can also write on a notebook to help you not forget your ideas, or save your documents in your files so you could check on it once in a while. Through this, you could give time to construct your thoughts and write it down. This applies to any form of blogging- Novels, news, features, poems, and the like.
The most important thing when blogging is to not be afraid when it comes to sharing your content with others. Your blog is for the public to read.
Sense of Gratitude
Blogging makes you think about a lot of things and sometimes it would lead you to realizations. This might hit you if you're writing about a certain issue and realize how maybe that you're lucky to have what you have right now; and oftentimes, after having that sense of gratitude, you'll have a different view of life and may be approaching things to a new and positive manner.
Now, list down things that you are grateful for. Your parents? Friends? Teacher? A special someone? God? Or maybe it can be your pet! Having a sense of gratitude helps you be motivated to write more content and posts.
Decreases depression and anxiety
Blogging can be a form of venting your feelings. People often blog their sentiments and post it for the public to read. It doesn't matter if you are an experienced writer or not. Blogging can also help in decreasing the negative feelings you've been keeping inside of you.
You'll also be able to learn from others who have more of experience. Blogging brings together a network of different bloggers and you can be part of a community that loves writing about a certain niche.
Another benefit of blogging is that it improves and boosts your confidence to write more. People will be learning from you and they will comment on your posts. With this, you might also be able to gain new friends!
Through this, it affects your mental health positively because you are surrounded by people who likes to read your output.
How to Start
In the morning when you wake up or at night before you go to bed, give yourself about 15 to 25 minutes to sit down and blog.
You may have your blog put on private mode or public mode. Either way, you are able to put your thoughts somewhere else and at the same time free yourself from what weighs heavy on your mind.
Blog about something that interests you a lot or blog about something that is bothering your thoughts. You would find it freeing and the next thing you know, you will have written an output that gives you a sense of satisfaction.
Notice that it's really easy to start blogging, and don't ever be afraid to do so and share it! Writer's block comes every once in a while but don't let it permanently stop you from writing. Also, notice how writing could create an impact if you just try. Try starting at some point, everyone starts small, and from there, you could constantly improve.
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